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Prevention Science


Prevention has not always been considered a science. Thanks to the dedicated work of many professionals, over the last 40 years, prevention now has the research and data needed to back it as a scientific study. (If you're interested in the research briefs I would love to get them to you! Email for more information)

Do you recognize any of these campaigns? What kind of prevention did you participate in as a kid? I was a D.A.R.E kid!

Though all of these programs were well meaning, they turned out to be mostly ineffective. Most historical programs over emphasized the effects of drugs or relied on scare tactics, which do not work. Nor did they take into consideration that kids and teens brains are still developing and process information much differently than an adult brain.

So, what works?

  1. Addressing risk and protective factors.

  2. Focusing on bonding to healthy pro social others.

  3. Using tested, evidence-based programs, policies, and practices.

These are all things that Vineyard Cares focuses on! We rely on these three things to bring the best programs and ideas to Vineyard to help our residents and other community members.

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